Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Salaam alaikum everyone! Insh'Allah you're all doing well and are in the best of health and iman. First off, I want to say thank you to all of my new readers! Insh'Allah you won't all be bored to death of my blog...seeing as I don't really post anything of much substance on here lol :P I keep saying I'm going to change that, but it doesn't really happen.

Anyways, I did have a semi-interesting post planned, seeing as I was at a wedding last week, and I was going to share some nice pictures with y'all...however, I've discovered that my USB cable to transfer pictures from my camera to my laptop got destroyed a while ago by little kitten teeth (fyi: I had to give my kitties away to another family after Ramadan because of allergy issues my husband and myself were having...I still miss them so much...but I'm happy that my hubby and I are no longer suffering), so alas no photos until I can get another USB cable, which might be a while...so, boo.

As for me...I've had a serious lack of energy as of late...so just trying to keep the house clean and organized requires a nap afterwards. LOL that sounds so pathetic!

So, I'll try to post some interesting/thoughtful things, but alas I can't really promise all that much.

P.S. Does anybody have any suggestions for good Islamic lectures to watch? I feel like I have been seriously slacking astighfirallah (partially due to my low energy level and feeling crummy for most of the day...but enough with the excuses), and I'd really like to make an effort to get back on track.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Salaam alaikum wa rahmat Allah wa barakatuh everyone,

HAPPY EID to all of my brothers and sisters around the world! For those of you who completed hajj, may Allah accept your hajj and cleanse you of your sins, ameen! Insh'Allah one day my husband and I will be able to say that we completed that amazing journey. Please keep us in your du'ahs that one day we will be able to go. Insh'Allah I hope that you all are able to experience hajj one day, if you have not already. I can only dream of how utterly amazing it would be.

EID AL-ADHA is officially tomorrow for those of us in the maghreb (as I've mentioned before, for whatever weird reason we are always one day behind Saudi...maybe the moon just doesn't like us as much, lol). I'm really looking forward to making the most of it insh'Allah.

I'm hoping that I won't cry when we sacrifice our sheep this year...mash'Allah he's so handsome ^_^ He's been hanging out on the terrace for the past few days, along with my father-in-law's sheep. It's been really rainy and cold, and I hope that Allah(swt) will give us some sun for tomorrow.

Anyways, enjoy your Eid everyone, and insh'Allah I will be back here soon with another post!